As you can see this website is under construction. There are some powerful tools coming to assist you in reaching your neighbors for Christ. While the site is being built, please read the following and you can get started today!

You live where you do, not by accident, but by God's divine plan. He knows you can reach the people in your neighborhood, better than anyone else.  

We hope you will make your home a mission center shining the light and love of Jesus in your neighborhood. 


We want you to be equipped like a mechanic or surgeon. They have many tools at their disposal and they know how to use them. As you walk with the Lord and use the skills and tools you have plus what we provide, you will become like a skilled surgeon or mechanic in serving and reaching your neighbors for Christ.  


Membership benefits:

Joining Neighborhood Light is not necessary to reach your neighbors for Christ, however, if you want access to the resources, we do require you join.


We want the poorest person on the planet to have access to the resources.  For this reason, this ministry is FREE !


We depend on donations and would appreciate you pray and ask the Lord if He would have you give.


Remember, your tithe goes to your church. Anything you give to Neighborhood Light should be above and beyond your tithe. 


If you want to donate, click on the Donate button in the main menu. 


If you haven't registered, please do so now. Click the SIGN UP button is in the top right corner of the website.  We will update you as we near launch.  


The most important thing you can do for Neighborhood Light is PRAY!  


May The Lord Bless You As You Walk With Christ! 

Steve Byrd


Some key verses:

Psalms 37:4

Ephesians 5:18

Galatians 5:22-26